Show HN: Incubator as a Service – we build, launch and test your employees ideas

Show HN: Incubator as a Service – we build, launch and test your employees ideas I've been wanting to experiment with this for a while. It's a subscription service for companies that want to utilise the new product or service ideas their employees come up with. With a fixed fee of $7500/mo, we'll basically work on up to 2 different ideas at the same time of your employees. This includes: - Designing & Building an MVP - Validating the idea and get early signups - Talk to early beta testers and gather feedback - Keep the original team/employee in the loop and have him/her participate into guiding the product further. When you decide the idea is ready for the next phase, you can build your own internal team or do so with our help. Interested, contact is in my bio July 13, 2019 at 08:28PM
