Show HN: ChessBoss – enhancing physical chessboards with computer vision
Show HN: ChessBoss – enhancing physical chessboards with computer vision We built ChessBoss at the TechCrunch Disrupt hackathon this week. It didn’t make the top 10 but I thought Hacker News might think it’s pretty cool. There are these really cool smart chessboards that can suggest moves and track your games... but they’re $400 and weigh 19 pounds. And of course there are apps that can analyze games but tracking and inputting games by hand is a huge pain. Or fully-digital chess apps... but board games are way more fun in real life! We wondered: “why can’t you just do that in software and bring the best parts of chess apps into the real world?” So we did! A camera passes a feed of the board through our machine learning model which interprets the state of the board and passes it off to Stockfish to display move suggestions in real time. We didn’t quite get to recording the state over time in PGN but we hope to continue this project and add that soon! Would love to know what you think. We’re working on enhancing other board games with computer vision as well; if you want to help us beta test sign up at October 5, 2019 at 12:35AM