Show HN: CoDiff, a new collaboration tool for developers

Show HN: CoDiff, a new collaboration tool for developers A recent HackerNews comment - “For one programmer's hourly cost, you could run 4000 CPU cores continuously. Can there really be no practical way to apply thousands of cores to boosting the programmer's productivity?” This is what we have come up with. The current productivity tools - Slack, Asana, Trello, Facebook Workplace, etc. - are great, but lack direct access to your code. Building a tool directly around the code makes it more powerful for software developers: CoDiff. The foundation of CoDiff is a live-view of your teammates’ local Git repositories. This brings communication benefits that other productivity tools fundamentally cannot provide. Wherever you are working, you can essentially pull up a chair next to your coworker to see and discuss what they are working on. This live code view leads to a many other productivity benefits. Existing tools will let you know your teammates' task, but not the exact lines of code they are modifying. CoDiff on the other hand, can notify you in real-time when you conflict with one of your teammates. This greatly reduces the time spent in resolving merge conflicts, prevents duplicated work, and unobtrusively improves productivity. In the future, CoDiff will integrate with your favorite editors and other productivity tools for even greater benefits. A few examples: get conflict notifications in your IDE, set statuses according to Trello task, and share links to live code snippets on Slack. We currently have the first alpha build available on . It’s completely free now and we would be extremely grateful for anyone to try it out. We never touch your git repository - no extra branches or commits - we are read only. We are looking for feedback at this point to help shape the future of the product–on the idea, the app, the workflow, or new directions. Anything you can share would be extremely helpful! April 7, 2019 at 01:18AM


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