Show HN: Programming Fonts Browser

Show HN: Programming Fonts Browser I've spent some time collecting monospace programming fonts, particularly those that are free to use. (Monospace because you can program with any font and you've got to draw the line somewhere). Usually I include some background info and basic stats in a blog post, and add it to a test drive "app". I've gone through some iterations here, and currently the backbone is a JSON data set ( ). I've been wondering what further to include here, e.g. glyph counts, of the zeroes are slashed or dotted, if there are OpenType alternatives, etc etc. And how to expose all that. It has been linked here before, but never by me and I haven't been able to respond before. Also, it has seen a lot of work since then. So, here I'd like to show HN what I've made and ask you for feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. October 5, 2018 at 04:21PM
